I am not a lush, I swear.

11 04 2007

Bottles of Beer
Tonight, I enjoyed my tenth beer-tasting at Tria Fermentation School. Yup, that’s just one night after I attended my ninth…. Apparently, I just can’t get enough, um, beer. Beer education, I mean. (Hi, Mom.)

This session featured two cool brewmasters from Colorado’s New Belgium Brewery. New Belgium’s beers aren’t available in Pennsylvania, so they were pretty much new to me. There was a nice, traditional Belgian dubbel—but if that’s what you’re looking for, and I often am, why not just have something from, well, Belgium?

What really impressed me were three really, really, really sour beers: Eric’s Ale, a specialty release brewed by Eric Salazar, one of tonight’s speakers; La Folie, which I described in my notes as “nuclear sour”; and Le Terroir, which was peachy and yet, somehow, probably the sourest beer of the night. Wow. The very tasty Eric’s Ale, by the way, was originally a one-time release, but it’s apparently coming back. That sounds like a good reason to head to Ft. Collins….

I almost, sort of wish I had a beer-tasting to look forward to tomorrow night….



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