Contact me. Really.

25 04 2007

In lieu of providing you with any actual content, I’ve added a Contact Me page.  It’d be great to hear from you—even if it’s to complain that I haven’t provided any actual content.  You could tell me what to write.  Or you could just say hi.

New Look?

21 04 2007

Freshy Theme
If my referral statistics are right, most of my readers get my, er, content via feeds. If so, they may not have noticed that I’ve done some redecorating. I’d be interested to know what my four-and-one-half regular readers—and others, too, of course—think about the new digs. I was really, really attached to my old template, but the new template gives me much greater flexibility in the sidebar. For instance, I’ve installed a Weatherpixie (with green hair and a dog, naturally) that shows the current Philly weather. (Hmm, should it be higher up in the sidebar?)

The new template, by the way, is called Freshy. I’m still using the default image in the header—both because I like it and because my own photos looked too fuzzy or unprofessional or something.

Thank heavens that’s over.

2 01 2007

Vermilion Christmas
My four-and-one-half regular readers—or, say, maybe two of them, anyway—will have noticed that I finally ditched the Christmas trappings.  Once I switched to the Christmas-y theme, which I liked for all of about, oh, 20 minutes, I figured I ought to stick with it for the entire season.  But it’s January 2  now, and that means it’s time for all of the holiday decorations to come down.  It’s a relief to be back to normal.  Are you with me?

Happy 2007.

Vinyl Record Generator

12 08 2006

Continuing a theme, this is cool, too.


Concert Ticket Generator

2 08 2006

This is awfully cool (link via Anil Dash).
